Friday, May 3, 2013

Is this Sciatica or something else?

Most patients with pain in their glutes, extending down to any part of the back of their leg (thigh, above or below knee area, or all the way to their ankles) either self diagnose or are told by their family doctor, or an orthopedist that they have Sciatica. Here I am telling you that THAT is not necessarily true. Piriformis Syndrome mimics Sciatica very closely in that there is pain going anywhere between the glutess to the back of the thigh above the knee. I have seen it even at times go slightly below the knee but not extend down to the ankle necessarily. The cause: tightness and trigger points in the Piriformis muscle which is one of the muscles in the gluteal (Buttock) region. This is not a nerve issue (Sciatica involves the Sciatic nerve) but as far as pain goes, patient feels intense pain in the region.
Treatment includes seeing your chiropractor since the guarding to stay clear of the pained site causes misalignment of the spine and pelvic region which leads to stress of all muscles including the Piriformis muscle (the perpetrator of the pain in this case), stretching the muscles of the region (Piriformis, Tensor Fascia Lata, Quadratus Lumborum, Quads and Hamstrings), and massage. I have had a great success doing Ultrasound-EMS combo on the patient for approximately 4-6 sessions prior to the patient's adjustment. Prevention: includes daily stretching of the area, getting up and moving around for a few minutes every 45-50 minutes, maintenance adjustments by your chiropractor to keep everything aligned.

Hope this helps:-)

Dr. Mamak Shakib

Providing Chiropractic/Massage/Functional/Hormone therapy/Nutritional counseling/EFT/Cold Laser all under one roof