Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Natural approach to address seasonal flu

This is a commonly asked question in my office. I'd like to remind everyone that it is not the presence of germs that cause disease but the absence of STRONG immune system that allows one to be the suitable 'host' for that germ to reside. Common sense here tells us that instead of fighting a germ, one germ at a time, let's work on strengthening our immune system!
This is a multi-faceted approach and here is the list:
1. Sleep plenty (not necessarily the 8 hour rule-- we can't put everyone under one formula for goodness sake)
2. Eat less but quality food. That means meat too!!! Yes, quality meat is free roam, grass eating animal. None of that factory farm set up. Of course, organic veggies and fruit (you can have your own even in an apt.)
3. Take Olive Leaf Extract/ colostrum. I really like the first one because it is a major anti microbial
4. Organic Apple Cider viniger
5. Get adjusted by a Chiropractor. Your sympathetic nervous system ( a part of your autonomic nervous system) resides in your mid back and is in charge of disease. Mid back (Thoracic spine) adjustment will take care of that.
6. Vitamin D orally or a full body exposure to the sun for about 20 minutes a day if you live in OC
7. Vitamin A. This is another vitamin that has not hit the media yet but watch, it will!!
8. I like high doses of Vitamin C (non-Costco type please)!! My favorite is called Methoxyzyme and works like magic.
9. Do daily relaxation techniques like Theta or Meditation but whatever you choose, give yourself 10 minutes of your day. You are SO worth it.

That's all I can think of before going in to see patients:-)

Hugs and do know that you are in charge of your own health and life.
Dr S.


Providing Chiropractic/Massage/Functional/Hormone therapy/Nutritional counseling/EFT/Cold Laser

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